Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

CIBUS: The Best Food Security Ecosystem in Blockchain

More and more people measure the intersections, which are currently increasingly encouraging, offering food availability and offering nutritious supplements,  communities will certainly search for nutritious food to meet their needs and the biological process Participate directly in those parts of the data that food providers often offer. However, communities are faced with looking for valuable data from some biological processes, and the supplier usually does not accept the actual data from the data, which is supported by biological data. This leads to a lack of customer confidence in caterers, because it is understood that customers need transparency of the biological process,  which is worth the information contained in food or supplements. CIBUS blocking method is based on bridge models: The following models have different CIBUS model options configured.

Food manufacturers and distributors, who are in the form of food manufacturers, are currently facing the challenges of global competition, online search development, margin pressure and more. This makes it difficult for small and medium entrepreneurs to develop and develop in the world. In Sibus, we find that small producers around the world are looking for an area to develop and launch goods in the international market, which were previously unavailable. Today's Sibus scaling offers opportunities for solutions to solve retailers and small chain producers and a multitude of things, and provides them with the opportunity to solve their real potential.

CIBUS offers a wide range of platforms with CIBS tokens on the platform and on supported platforms by CIBS. Communities around the world are being developed to have real business potential used by their consumers. CIBUS Network is equipped with the latest block series-based technology that is designed to supplement the supplemental diet and supplement nutrition that guarantees the original, quality and quantity of a product.
CIBUS can provide useful, interactive, and platform-dependent blockchain technology as well as a manufacturer, seller or distributor of food supplements and food products, as well as transparency through reliable information, and registered in general laser and independent form Is delivered from
Accessible to all or any interested party; Therefore, every entrepreneur and buyer will appreciate the most effective potential
The family, authenticity and reliability on which they are located.

Why Blocken?

Traceability and clarity measure the key features of the proposal. Blockchain quantitatively and optimizes business transactions and marketing partnerships with strong and secure business networks in Blockchain around the world.
Blockchain provides a book-keeping book with each partner in the network, which is customized and valid in real-time. It provides an integrated view of the activities and free any quality at any time, even if it is the owner of the World Health Organization, and its most recent condition. It is safe and it can not be replaced by any indication so it promotes the best transparency. Transparency is the most difficult aspect of buyers raised in recent years. Transparency is capable of evaluating the performance of a provider chain and thus increasing the security of players with the network, which further enhances the confidence of the customers. Within the integrity of blockchain square measure strength in transparency, Since the action of each group is unique and none of them is often modified or tampered later. Universal belief can not be compulsory and can be used by a centralized system because it is impossible to assess the reliability of the data expressed to external associate degree researchers. Therefore, using blockchain technology in relation to a centralized system is beneficial.

Sibus vision

Quadratic supply chains have been extremely effective recently; In many ways, however, they become distorted by non-transparent, fraudulent activities, old existences and so on. In addition, dependency on manual technology or manual processes in many ways creates an undesirable difference between manufacturers and retailers with customers. Blocking technology, which can be safely used safely due to the knowledge of recording and transmission in the suburban and suburban networks, these chains are considered promising for improvement. One of the objectives set by Sibus, except for almost the same option, is that CIBUS will also present hardware: smooth, high-quality sensor, Those who can regularly monitor and send knowledge to the block series, when the manufacturer is about to create a potential market for your user CIBUS, it  is important to think about the technique that progress has been completed.

The most important thing to develop transparency and trust system is that which reduces market issues, prices and enhances efficiency. These elements can make it easier for CIBIS to be a favorite partner for all integrated supply chain stakeholders, from manufacturers to distributors and customers. CIBUS also performs a process that focuses on the block chain in which flexibility is used in completely different supply chain configurations. The CIBUS protocol is based on Atrem and will formulate a good contract which is expected to provide transparency and accountability along with many skills for the entire series. CiBus launches new token token for Cryptocurrency Tokens Which can be used only on a CUBUS platform in a method that relates to each element at intervals in the series. Among the optional things, information is included in it because the food article increases for its customers and provides incentives for interested parties. It is expected that the CIBUS dataset is the central part of the equation. Sibus attempts to provide a safe and governed supply chain, enables employees to develop better sales processes and enable customers to easily see whether their purchased products are returning and what their content is. Because food articles are advance for their customers and offers incentives for interested parties. It is expected that the CIBUS dataset is the central part of the equation. Sibus attempts to provide a safe and governed supply chain, enables employees to develop better sales processes and enable customers to easily see whether their purchased products are returning and what their content is. Because food articles are advance for their customers and offers incentives for interested parties. It is expected that the CIBUS dataset is the central part of the equation. Sibus attempts to provide a safe and governed supply chain, enables employees to develop better sales processes and enable customers to easily see whether their purchased products are returning and what their content is.
Mission CIBUS
Mission Project in Sibs is:
1. To coordinate and eliminate the world of food supply chain and connected markets in such a way that the interest and trust of consumers and farmers is often optimal. In Sibus, our goal is to reward the farmers, the  World Health Organization keeps its employees in food production, and ultimately the right to food for buying buyers of the World Health Organization.
(2) In the end, all interested parties will be able to use the proposed aggregate high value for ultimately verified purposes.
In addition, retailers who buy quality food products track their source of food and superiority, which customers will review themselves. The government can take care of it
Compliance of food business with general values ​​and verification of records and document form in blockchain.
(3) In addition to this, the sound contract will fully establish business relations between different parties, as well as control / reduce the risk / communication disputes, so that the suppliers and customers will not have the MOU without reference to the financial position of their counterpart Can enter in.

CIBUS Utility
CIBUS is a multi-functional platform controlled by CIBUS token and aims to:

Encourage food security and transparency through the use of Block Chain and ensure the product certification, visibility of product life cycle, product recorement and inventory efficiency.
Chain of custody, mapping and supply chain optimization, with authentication and responsibility for the freshness of the products in the immune system,
Facilitating food business between direct retail (B2C) and companies (B2B)
Create an overall social network based on food worldwide.
Robot Guarantee for Supply Chain Management
Optimization of customs, testing and regulatory procedures to implement optimum transparency in the supply chain system with the support of P-chain algorithm.

CIBUS Architecture
CIBUS Blockchain will help to increase transparency, thereby helping the global food industry to stop fraud quickly and efficiently.

CIBUS is a very clear solution to some practical problems in the agricultural food business. In addition, CIBUS has been developed by food scientists, which has decades of experience in dairy and related industries to ensure maximum accuracy and efficiency for their users, in collaboration with the experts of barrier technology. In a word,
1. CIBUS intends to provide custody, analysis and related e-commerce functions. Used by sibus
Blockchain technology, which provides visibility of supply chain for food and nutritional supplements, enhances food safety and traceability

2. Provides the benefit of end users by providing accurate information in blockchain, which is accessible on mobile websites and websites so that such a clear decision can be made before each purchase of food / supplement.

3. By creating an electronic business platform for diet and dietary supplements, CIBUS also reduces the participation of mediators in the food industry. It facilitates direct  business and is between businesses and end users
As well as other companies

CIBUS ecosystem

CIBUS Cards: The only payment method for the underlying cryptrocurgency, i.e. negotiation rate, trust services, advertising and analytical knowledge for all transactions on the CIBUS platform. All parties having transactions in CIBS Business and CIBIS Retail should have at least CIBS Tokens to complete the transaction in CIBIS.

Sibus - International Food and Food Planning in CIBS Blockchain: A clear commercial food scheme on CIBIS BlockChain Technology will benefit the following food trading classes during the international stage:

1 agricultural production
2 Processed Food Production Industry
3 food delivery in bulk or retail sale
Companies based in Blockbut Cibus ecosystems can provide the correct answers to many problems of quality and reliability of the global food supply chain. Benefits are often given in the following areas:

1 Monitoring of materials and packaging materials for more food security
2 Complete security ending in total protection
Duration of knowledge consumption for 3 regulatory examinations
4 inspection of temperature Delivery status for sensitive items
Guaranteed compliance with VECP signals inspired by 5 GAFSI (Vulnerability Assessment and Major Management Issues).
Rapid restoration of knowledge about food security in case of product records
The 7 correct search functions implemented within the supply chain can modify the manufacturer concerned to handle the problematic product immediately.
The CIBS Blockchain method is based on the extraction model: Specific characteristics of CIBIS model area unit, which are calculated in the following models.

Token ciibus

The encryption of the underlying currency for all transactions on the CIBUS platform, which is the only payment method for transaction fees, custody services, advertising and analytics. For all transactions in CIBUS Business and CIBUS Retail, all parties should keep the minimum balance of CIBUS token to start their Dallas in CIBUS.

Blockchain's global Cogifood Food Ecosystem can promote categories of the following food companies on a global platform:

agricultural production
Industrial production of processed food
Food delivery wholesale or retail
CIBUS Blockchain-based businesses can provide adequate solutions to the most recurring quality and authenticity issues in food supply chains around the world. Benefits can be enjoyed in the following areas:

Traceability of materials and packaging materials for better food security
Brand safety through branding
Real-time data consumption for regulatory compliance
Monitoring the status of temperature distribution for sensitive products
Ensure compliance with the inspired GFSI VACP
Rapid recovery of food security data in case of product withdrawal
The exact detection capability that is applied in the supply chain, enabling the associated growers to deal quickly with the problematic products.

CIBUS Project

Provides consumers a tool for transparency and localization of food based on BlockChain.
Social cabs

A motivational social networking platform that seeks global food cooperation.
CIBUS Business

Provides bulk and business facilities in food and nutritional supplements
CIBUS Retail

This facilitates direct retail sale of food and nutritional supplements between consumers and food manufacturers.
Sibus eddy
CIBUS AD provides a unified analytics platform that provides comprehensive and relevant user traffic information
Connected sibas

Affiliate marketing marketing platform for CIBUS Retail and CIBUS Business at competitive prices.
Standard dependable services in five stages, which are provided for fee based on transaction value
Sibus equipment
CIBUS may consider opening its own Logixtics Center as a full-film at a later date
In the current era of the continuous increase in the grocery store, the process and supply chain partners see some of the most important needs of organizations to develop online shopping, pressing on margins and many more challenges and more challenges arising from numerous global competitiveness To do business through basic food and supplementary supply chain:

Limited visibility of the offer's origin
Informing consumers in a network that demands high quality as well as good value of money
More demand for authenticity and transparency of the product
Protection against counterfeit and vulnerable products
Damage to each partner in the food supply chain as interrupted information flow
Token Sales CIBUS
+ 50% Free Token Bonus
By February 28, 2018, till 10:59 (GMT)

+ 30% Free Tokens Bonus
28 February 2018 from 11:00 GMT to 7 March 2018 at 10:59 GMT

+ 20% Free Tokens Bonus
March 11, 2018 till 11:00 (GMT) till 14 March 2018 at 10:59  (GMT)

+ 16% Free Tokens Bonus
March 14, 2018, 11:00 (GMT) until March 21, 2018, 10:59 (GMT)

12% Free Tokens Bonus
Till March 21, 2018 till 11:00 (GMT) till 28 March 2018, at 10:59 p.m. (GMT)

As you can see, for the first weeks, the bonus is up to 50% and the people who run away quickly get reward

Road map

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