Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

ZeCash Coin

Breakthrough digital solutions related to Cryptocurrency transactions. Use the new ownership feature to make ZeCash Ze the next gen of Coin. New Protocol for Securing Proof of Stake, new Staking concept, new anonymity features, lightning network processing, and more at WHITEPAPER. For e-commerce, personal payments, online business, retail stores ... ZeCash will speed up transactions with clients and suppliers in a decentralized safe environment. 
Reserve your Token now to be part of the Ze revolution with Next Gen ZeCash.
Unleash the financial potential with Zecash
Book now ZeCash token, you will be eligible then to ZeCash Coin when it will be released. Tokens will be excluded from highly secure smart contracts. See how we push the limits with ZeCash, see our White Book.
ZeCash will use Proof of Stake protocol to process transactions. This results in the remuneration of each ZeCash holder by "Staking" meaning having their coin in the Wallet for "Mint". The more ZeCash you hold, the more you earn, up to 5% every month.
We strongly believe in competing with coin majors such as Bitcoin / Ethereum / Litecoin or Dash. ZeCash will be listed in various exchanges and because our core projects are strong we expect the same volume and volatility.
Features ZeCash
Sales Token ZCH
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Why choose Zecash instead of Bitcoin?
ZeCash Partner
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For more information Click below: 
Website  https://ze.cash/
Whitepaper  https://ze.cash/assets/docs/Zecash_Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram  https://t.me/ZeCash

Author by: Hellokitty6

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