What is Quantum Pay
Quantum Pay is a Decentralized and Computerized Banker Machine that functions as a financial service platform. As a sequential facility on the blockchain engine, Quantum Pay uses digital currency as a door for small costs for investment, loans, funding, and banking, spreading the influence of monetary organizations beyond the existing platform to the number of people who do not have bank accounts in the world.
It also provides person-to-person handovers, bill payments, portable top-ups, operational expenses and transfer services. Its currency distribution system protects tens of thousands of banks, pawnshops, cost outlets, and home-to-house shipments throughout the world. . By using Quantum Pay, clients have contacts to the application wallet that will be launched by the team and facilities such as payments, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits, and online shopping at a number of dealers who recognize digital currencies.
Quantum Pay is a decentralized monetary facility platform that aims to send money transfers, game credits, hotel bookings, bill payments, mobile top-ups, online shopping and sending money anywhere in the international arena. It uses digital exchange as an entry point for small costs for investment, loans, finance, funding, and banking, starting with the scope of financial institutions outside the existing outlet infrastructure for many who do not have bank accounts in the world. The application that will be launched will also have donation features and other exclusive services that will be introduced later.

This is how it works and its features
By using QPAY, customers have access to the app wallet that will be launched by the team immediately and services such as money transfers, air-time, bill payments, hotel bookings, game credits, online haul and online shopping for national traders who receive digital currency.
Download Wallet
Easy to Use and Convenient for Transaction-Carry out unconditional transactions to synchronize with blockchain and an easy-to-use interface.
Easy to Use and Convenient for Transaction-Carry out unconditional transactions to synchronize with blockchain and an easy-to-use interface.
Safe & Secure
Self-held Private Keys, Enhanced Security Secured Private Keys will be stored steadily in a wise local sandbox structure. This provides a backup option for the manifold folder, to avoid loss or asset robbery.
Self-held Private Keys, Enhanced Security Secured Private Keys will be stored steadily in a wise local sandbox structure. This provides a backup option for the manifold folder, to avoid loss or asset robbery.
Buying and selling
Tracking and Market Signals - Global market checks on statistics sponsored by continuous synchronization with digital market sites. A flexible ready price situation will not miss an important market setting.
Tracking and Market Signals - Global market checks on statistics sponsored by continuous synchronization with digital market sites. A flexible ready price situation will not miss an important market setting.
Better User Interface
Can be used online or offline- The QPAY application can be accessed online and not even connected to the internet, QPAY SMS Operators will manage customer transactions.
Can be used online or offline- The QPAY application can be accessed online and not even connected to the internet, QPAY SMS Operators will manage customer transactions.
How to use the Quantum Board
The first thing you want to do is an application. make your case within minutes of our application, the minimum amount of cash and monthly fees. The Quantum Pay application where you can place your qpay and Ethereum tokens. An updated version can include bitcoin and alternative digital currencies. The accompanying services, such as filtering, paying calls, paying bills, booking hotels, game credits, and sending cash at large banks or Central payments.
Some special services will be displayed on the Quantum Board
● Ease of use and convenience of Transact-Execute transactions, rather than requiring synchronization with a simple chain and interface The keys are self-imposed, key enhancements.
● Coded security that is not processed will be stored permanently in the original authentic sandbox. This provides a collection of backup options to avoid losing or stealing assets.
● Monitor markets and signals - the global audit market, according to statistics, is sponsored by constant synchronization with digital market sites. universal readiness to zero necessary market arrangements
● Access to online or offline-QPAY applications will be available online and not even online
connected to the network, QPAY SMS operators must manage client transactions.
● Coded security that is not processed will be stored permanently in the original authentic sandbox. This provides a collection of backup options to avoid losing or stealing assets.
● Monitor markets and signals - the global audit market, according to statistics, is sponsored by constant synchronization with digital market sites. universal readiness to zero necessary market arrangements
● Access to online or offline-QPAY applications will be available online and not even online
connected to the network, QPAY SMS operators must manage client transactions.
Quantum Pay Token Details
QPAY is an ERC-20 token that will be used in the Quantum Pay App in general but further enhancements will include ETH, BTC and other leading crypto currencies in the digital market. QPAY will provide a simple, safe and powerful digital power monitoring instrument for operators who will be able to practice autonomy in wallet formation, introduce, manage secure digital benefits, implement appropriate contracts, and real-time market information.
Token Name: QPAY
Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
Total supply: 15,000,000,000
Token Name: QPAY
Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
Total supply: 15,000,000,000
For the token contribution, 60% will be given to selfdrop donations, for 20% to the development, the team will get 10%, for
5% given to prizes and rewards and 5% given to the community
5% given to prizes and rewards and 5% given to the community
Is this company a good investment for you? If you believe in the power of artificial intelligence, yes. QUANTUM PAY developers are confident that they will be able to achieve some success in this segment. AI is likely to increase a lot in the future, as well as the company's costs and tokens.
QUANTUM PAY can be a good long-term investment for you, because the possibility of this company will offer a good return on investment, but in the future. If you have enough patience, a good step to invest in this company.
To learn more about Quantum pay, you can visit them online below
Website: https://quantumpay.co/
Whitepaper: https://quantumpay.co/QUANTUMPAYWP.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4623071.0
Whitepaper: https://quantumpay.co/QUANTUMPAYWP.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4623071.0
Telegram Additional Information : http://t.me/quantumpayQPAY
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Pay
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4641605
Author by: Hellokitty6
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