The market of crypto currency began to gain huge momentum.Everyday the news read that the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market is measured in billions of dollars. Then we thought that is possible to use these money for greater good,rather than have them simply being kept on account.
Since our company work s and specializes inthe IT are,we end paying a lot of money in crypto currencies,and as it often happened thatthat the exchange rate changed in several hours and we or our partners actually lost money.Here the idea was born to create a stable coin which will have a transparent system for monitoring the state of deposits
Pixel - real cryptocurrency which provides new, modern payment tool,being fast, confidential, stable, simple and understandable to everyone!Pixel ensures you will never loose your money due to the fall in the exchange rate,furthermore you will never again experience difficulties when transferring money back to fiat money.Pixel is a payment mechanism, devoid of all weaknesses of traditional cryptocurrencies. And most importantly, anyone can contribute in charity, without spending their money!
How Pixel works
Why you have to invest in pixel ?
PXLT are tokens released for ICO Pixel Charity. 50% from transaction fee revenue of the Pixel network will be distributed among the holders of PXLT, proportional to their share in the project. The remaining 50% will be used to maintain the network. In the future, with the increase in Pixel's turnover, in consultation with investors, the commission fee from PXL transactions will be reduced from 0.05% to 0.02%,
Financial system irreversibly changes,however people still follow old system,this is the reason why digital moneyhad not still spread to yhe masses.It is hard to gain their trust due to complexity of existing crytocurrencis.And the best part every one using.Pixel participates in a global charity program without donating any money! We believe
That our project,will change the world for the best.
That our project,will change the world for the best.
For more information, Please contact us below :
Author by: Hellokitty6
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